Current Thoughts on Computing

So I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with technology lately.

As someone who used to be set for a carrer in IT my interest has wavered over the last 4 years or so. I have a few ideas why which range from the decline/corperatisation of the internet to getting other hobbies. Dispite this I still find that computers have a certain alure to them, there is just so much potential. A potential that has been raveged by social media.

My current biggest question "In which areas of my life can I reengage with computers in a healthier way?" Having an adiction to youtube for the longest time makes me wary of big name adictive sites. I'm currently facinated with sustainable tech. Not in the way adverts try to sell you, but in a very grass-roots personal internet way. I want to have very basic machines that do a certain job, made from parts that I am able to replace and fix. I want to share what I make with others who share similar dreams. This is why finding neocities has been so exciting for me. It's filled with much more experianced people doing exactly this!

I have so many skills to learn before I can become comfortable with a new style of computing but I'm taking steps towards it!
